Food and Equipment You Might Like to Have Handy

As I go along with this blog and my cooking journey I continue to understand the challenges and economic difficulties in cooking for one. Unlike cooking for several people at a time, cooking for yourself necessitates using what you have available in the kitchen, without letting things spoil - no one wants to see perfectly good produce go to waste. This becomes harder when cooking for one person, because portions are usually sold to accomodate up to 4 people.

I use this blog to try to provide you with ideas and new recipes that might interest you and help you to expand your cooking repertoire. Ultimately, however, what kind of ingredients you like to always have on hand and what you make most often is something you know better than anyone else, and it is a knowledge you will quickly acquire as you spend time in the kitchen.

I of course have my personal kitchen essentials, which include sun-dried tomatoes, little toasts to snack on, and parmesan cheese; my fridge feels bare without these and other random ingredients. Likewise, I imagine you have similar food preferences with which you would be perfectly happy living off of for a couple of days. I would like to provide you here with a list of things that I believe everyone should have, since they will help you put a meal together most easily with whatever perishables you buy from the supermarket, but it is a very general list and you certainly don't need all of these things to make fantastic food, just the way you like it.

Part of the fun of cooking for yourself is the challenge, seeing what you can concoct with whatever's in front of you. As you cook more and spend more time becoming familiar with different ingredients, you'll discover what you need to have handy to create your favorite foods. You'll also discover that sometimes the most unbelievable pairings can taste delicious together - I honestly don't know how it works sometimes, it's like magic! In the world of cooking I wholeheartedly believe that the journey is as equally if not more satisfying than the destination. Although, when you arive at a fantastic meal that you made for yourself by yourself, there is very little that can compare.

Things you might like to have handy

Pots & Pans
Small saucepan for making little amounts of soup, a sauce, or cooking meats.
Larger saucepan for pasta, stews, stocks
Small, omelette-sized skillet
Small, slightly larger skillet for quick stir-fries or sautees
A larger, 10-12 inch skillet for higher quantities or for cooking things that all need to be flat (like potato slices or apple wedges)

Additional Equipment That is Helpful
Cheese grater
Vegetable peeler
Food processor
Cutting board
At least one chef's knife, with a knife sharpener (there is no question that this is what I use more than anything else)
Paring knife
Some serrated knives to cut into juicy steaks and other deliciously tough meats
Pepper grinder
Wooden Spoons
Rolling pin (If you don't have one, you can use a wine bottle as my friend Diana suggested; I personally use the pole part of my paper towel holder - it helps to get creative!)
Measuring cups/spoons

In The Pantry (things that will keep for extended periods of time, usually over 2 months)
Baking powder & soda
Sugar, confectioner's and "regular" granulated
Salt & Peppercorns
Rice (use your discretion here, keep whatever you like best handy, whether it be basmati, arborio, short-grain or long-grain)
Polenta or couscous (again, if you like using them often)
Olive and vegetable oil
Nut and flower oils (such as walnut and sunflower)
Assorted vinegars (white wine, balsamic, red wine, sherry, etc.)
Chicken broth/bouillon cubes
Beef broth
Canned tomatoes and tomato paste
Spices - again use your discretion, but I would suggest having cayenne pepper/pepper flakes, cinnamon, nutmeg, bay leaves, dried oregano, coriander, cumin, turmeric. There are so many more so buy what you like!
Soy Sauce

In The Fridge
Your favorite fruits
Fresh herbs - to prolong freshness, wrap them in damp paper towels and keep in a sealable plastic bag in the fridge
Lemons & Limes

Additional Necessities
Tomatoes when they're in season (early summer-fall)